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Monday 15 February 2016

Emergency QR Code by

On my training ride yesterday I experienced my first crash. Now I accept that crashing or falling off your bike is part of road cycling and I am very aware and concious of the dangers.
Particularly as I have been a mountain biker for many years, so falling off my bike holds no fears for me. Although crashing on my mountain bike is a little easier as I am normally wearing knee pads and landing on muddy trails or bushes etc. is a little softer than a tarmac road!
My crash yesterday was a little scary, but a completely unavoidable accident. Riding on a fairly busy road through Poole town centre on Sunday afternoon at around 20mph passing a line of park cars a black cat shot out at full speed without warning.
I only glimpsed the cat for a spilt second out of the corner of my eye as he careered directly into the spokes of my front wheel, pushing my bike sideways as the front wheel was punched away in an instant. The cat bounced back off the front wheel and speed back across the road and over the nearest garden fence.
I was now sliding along the tarmac on hip towards oncoming traffic. Very luckily the van driver had reacted to me being taken down suddenly and had performed an emergency stop in the road. I stopped in a heap with my bike on top of me a few yards in front of the van. Bouncing up quickly and instinctively to get out of the road.
After a few minutes and assuring the very helpful passer-bys and drivers of the vehicles that I was OK and no need to worry or call for medical attention. I gathered myself together, checked my bike over and then composed myself.
I was a little shook up but also very relived that I wasn't seriously hurt. I had a little pain and discomfort in my hip as this was the part of my body that hit the road first. 
I put my chain back on, retrieved my water bottle, noticed my torn bar tape and then got back on my bike. Gently and tentatively turning the pedals to assure myself that both me and my bike were all still in working order.
Deciding to cut short my training ride and head the 6 miles home at a steady pace on quieter roads and cycle paths.
On the ride home it got me to thinking what could have happened. And how an impulsive purchase 18 months ago could be an essential life saver!

Go Safely QR stickers on my bike and helmet are very discrete. Located on the top tube of my road bike and back of helmet. These small stickers have a logo, instruction and a QR code.
I purchased these stickers after seeing an advert in a cycling magazine and researching them further on their website. In essence my emergency contact details are registered on-line and are accessible via the QR code on my bike or helmet. Therefore if I ever had a serious accident and was unable to communicate or recall my emergency contact details, anyone with a smartphone can scan the QR code and find the important information. 
I now have a new found appreciation for these simple but very important stickers. Essential if you ride alone.
Read more about Go Safely here on their website     

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